Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yes, Virginia, There is a Blogger!

Yes, I know.  It was brought to my attention last night that I haven't blogged "since 2002", which is a slight exaggeration, but nonetheless true.  I don't really know what has been keeping me so silent these past months.  It isn't the lack of something to talk about, because I love to talk.

I realize lately that the stress of life and a buttload of major life events all coming within about 12 months has just been too much for my brain and body to handle.  I have gotten separated, then divorce; had a death in the family (my grandmother); I moved twice; and my job changed twice.  Pretty much the only things I didn't do were have a baby or die.  But my body has been physically unable to keep up with the stress, and I have landed in the hospital 7 times since March of this year.

So, I am taking a little time to get back to the real me.  I am learning how to better cope with stress and to define what is actually important in life.  Be patient with me, but I am working on a few new website/blog concepts that should be online shortly.

In the meantime, you can check out my latest website at .  I should have the other sites online soon!

Much love,

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So. Far. Behind.

So, I just looked on this blog and realized that I haven't updated it since my Grandmother passed away in September.  I will say that much has happened since then.  I got divorced, started dating, got a steady boyfriend, and moved out into my own place.  Things have been hectic, for sure!!

I will begin updating again, but this site will probably be more of a home for digital scrapbook pages than my normal brand of snark.  Please visit my other blogs for your doses of snarky banter!

Life After Divorce

Apparently, Hell is on the Fourth Floor
