Friday, December 28, 2007

Top Sales of November Goes to....

Congratulations, Steve!!

And yes, that is my husband in a TIE!! What has the world come to??

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Coolest. Toy. Ever!!!

I love toys. Luckily, I choose a career where it is completely acceptable to be surrounded by toys and use them for work. Being a trainer gives you a lot of freedom to be silly and no one seems to mind. About a year ago, I came across a website that has awesome toys. This year, I finally decided to buy some. And THIS is what I got:

These, my friends, are Ninja Devil Duckies. They are so freaking cool, they had to be refrigerated!! (Seriously, for some reason they came in a "Keep Refrigerated" box and the delivery guy brought them in a cooler. It was totally weird). They come in a set of two so they can silently battle each other, or take turns standing guard at the bathtub.

One guy is standing guard in my cubicle while the other is guarding my purse right now.

I did, however, pass on the Jesus action figure with the glow-in-the-dark "miracle hands." That would have been pushing it!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Last year, Steve bought me a new high-definition TV for our bedroom to replace one that was fried when lightening struck the house two years ago. We also invested in a Hi-Def receiver for our satellite programming. OMG this is the most amazing combination!

Those of you who know me know that I am a shark junkie. I have been since I was probably 6 years old, after watching some National Geographic special on sharks. This year, I was able to record (via our DVR, which I am also addicted to - don't ask me what time anything comes on because I am completely dependent on it) Discovery Channel's Shark Week and have been watching it ever since. Back in September, we got a whole slew of new HD channels and one of them was Discovery Channel. I just finished watching a show on the Galapagos Islands which was breathtaking. Now, I am watching "Predators of the Great Barrier Reef." I feel like a little kid staring in awe at a beautiful aquarium for hours on end.

I am easily entertained :-)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Congratulations Steve!

Congratulations to Steve for closing on 2 more houses in the month of November! I think you found your calling!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Ooooh... I must have this...

When Steve and I renew our wedding vows (HAHAHAHA...ahem) or if I ever need a formal dress... this is the one I am wearing:

Nothing says "A Touch of Class" like this Japanese-cartoon-meets-Gone-With-The-Wind inspired number. Do not adjust your screen... it IS that "special." This is not computer generated... someone actually MADE this dress! You know that means someone actually WORE this dress. In public!

I can see it now...

"Godzilla!!! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!"

And this!! What. The. HELL is this about?? Mary Poppins meets The Birds? And they actually got someone to model this ensemble. I am afraid.

This literally looks like this poor woman dove under a table cloth as the birds were attacking her hair.

I give full credit to If you want to see more of the nightmares at hand, check it out. Hours of hilarity are sure to ensue.

Going out of Business

Hey everyone!

Some of you may know that I have been a Mary Kay Consultant for the past three years, and have decided to go out of business this year. I just don't have the time or energy to devote to it. So, with that being said, I am looking to sell off my remaining inventory. If you are interested in seeing what I have left in stock, send me a comment or email and I will forward you the list. I am only selling what I currently have and will not be ordering any more.

I will only charge you what I paid for it (50% discount on the retail cost + 8.25% tax), so it is a great deal for the holidays!! MK makes a great gift basket!! I just want to get it out of my house! :-)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Parade of Imbeciles

Today has been utterly ridiculous. Yesterday the battery light was coming on in my Lincoln sporadically, so I made it a point to go to the local auto parts store right after work today to get the battery tested. The guy said the battery was still good, but the alternater needed to be replaced. He said that I could make it to the mechanic tomorrow. Instead of the normal routine of trying desperately to get hold of the guy who never calls me back, I decided that I would ask Javier (my sister's fiance) if he could install a new one for me. He said sure, but could I go ahead and get the part tonight so he could install it after work tomorrow.

So, I have to drive to a different auto parts store to get it, but on the way I notice that my hood is rattling and threatening to fly open. The guy warned me about idling with the bad alternater, so I pulled into a gas station to close the hood, shut off my car, and the stupid thing was dead as a doornail. Ugh. Called Steve, and he didn't know where his jumper cables were. Called mom. She was on her way to jump me. Steve went on ahead and bought the part before the store closed. Mom got there and jumped my car, so we let it charge for a few minutes until Steve got back. Then he went home and mom followed me to Javier's. Or, at least she followed me 4 miles down the road where my electrical system completely shut down and I was coasting through a busy intersection and about 1/2 mile down the road before pulling to a dead stop on the side of the road. Now, you would think that people on a 4 lane highway (2 on each side with a turn lane in the middle) would have plenty of time to see two cars in the pitch black night with the hazard lights on. Apparently not, as we were front row viewers to the parade of imbeciles flying by at warp speed within inches of my disabled vehicle. Steve joined us on the side of the road so we wouldn't have to be there alone waiting for the tow truck. (We actually called two trucks just to see who would get there first... my guy won by at least 45 minutes)

We sat there for about an hour before the tow truck driver pulled up. You would have to see it to believe it, but even with the tow truck blocking half the lane, people were still wizzing by at the speed of light within inches. How can people that stupid function in life?? I really don't get it.

Anyway, thankfully, Javier was able to replace my alternater and lend me his spare battery until mine can be recharged or replaced. Betty Lou lives to drive another day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Mashed Potato Day!!

Well, Thanksgiving is upon us once again. I will make my proclaimation loud and proud - I HATE TURKEY!!! I don't know where my hatred of turkey comes from, but I hate everything about it. I am not a fan of most of the "traditional" Thanksgiving foods. I have always sworn that when it is MY turn to take over Thanksgiving we would be having Chicken Fried Steak. You laugh... but it's finally my turn ;-)

After 10 straight years with Dad's family, this year we decided to spend Thanksgiving with Mom. My sister has to work until 3 pm, so we will be having dinner at her house. It should be interesting. What was supposed to be a fun, relaxing day for 5 people has turned into a Thanksgiving circus for 15, with TURKEY! Blah!!! I don't care. I am still making Chicken Fried Steak and those who don't like it can suck it.

I have many things to be thakful for this year. Steve has been doing very well at his new real estate gig, which has helped us out a lot. We continue to be blessed with The Pico (see our pup in my blog below). He is 8 1/2 years old, but still in decent health, despite being a chubby little puppy. I was blessed with a beautiful niece this year, and her mommy is in much better health than we anticipated after her brain tumor scare. I feel so lucky to have them in my life - happy and healthy. My own health is doing much better now than earlier in the year, so I am truly thankful to NOT be in the hospital (again). Unfortunately, my brother Chris couldn't make it down for Thanksgiving, but we are looking forward to spending time with him at Christmas. I am also truly thankful that both parents are in relative good health, and that I still have my grandmother. We lost Pawpaw in September, but I am thankful that the suffering he faced for a long time was finally over.

So, I proudly say to you ~ Happy Mashed Potato Day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

There is justice in the world after all

A few months ago (September 2007) I wrote a blog about my unfortunate molestation by a Wal-Mart photo employee while getting my niece's pictures made. It was creepy, and uncomfortable, and still makes me cringe at the very thought of it. To top it all off, the little snot was then rude to me! When I picked up the pictures a few weeks later, I recounted my story to the store manager, and even the regional manager. They were both completely creeped out and confided that this was not the first time it had happened, and they would take care of it.

Steve just called me asking what the guy's name was, and I told him that I didn't know (and never knew). Apparently he was in there getting some passport photos taken and brought up what happened to me. They told him that there was actually a lawsuit pending against the guy, and they would like to get my statement in writing.

Hopefully, justice will be served against this nasty little man and he will have to answer for what he did.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Procrastination to the Point of Comatose

I will be the first to admit that I am a MAJOR procrastinator. I don't know why, but I just can't seem to motivate myself to take that next step. In the last two years, I have hit a creative-genius spurt and have come up with several great ideas for businesses and books, but for some reason can't find the drive to put those great ideas into action. I have to ask myself ~ Am I afraid to fail, or am I afraid to succeed.

For the past few years, I have found myself completely resentful of Steve's lack of working situation, and have done little to go out of my way to try anything new. I think part of me says, "Why should I when I am the one who already has the full-time gig?" I know that is not the most mature sentiment, especially when I really think these are great ideas. I know that I should go for them. Why is getting off the couch so damn hard??

I know that with success comes a sense of accomplishment and a drive to do even more. I think my own passive aggressive tendencies have gotten in the way of what I want for the past few years. I despise having to be "the responsible one" all the time, but I guess that is honestly who I am.
Setting my own goals and dreams aside to spite someone else is so lame. I just need to take the plunge.

Monkeys on a rampage??

Ok, I know this is a serious news story to someone, but this is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read. Monkeys stealing cell phones and drinking soda from the fridge. What has the world come to?? It really must be a slow news week.

I will have nightmares for a week thinking about these guys stealing all my soda.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Death by nickels and dimes

Ok, it's time for me to vent a little. I am ALL for donating to charity, and giving to those less fortunate. I believe strongly in things like Breast Cancer research, The American Heart Association, and the March of Dimes, and give freely each year. But, this constant barage by employers to have you "participate" in a fundraising campaign for a cause is getting out of hand. I personally like to choose my charity of choice (namely the ones I listed above), and sometimes it works out that my company chooses one of those. That was the case this year, as we are raising funds for The American Heart Association. I lost my grandfather after years of complications due to multiple strokes, and my grandmother is now sporting a shiny pacemaker. This cause is close to my heart (pun intended).

I personally raised $350 towards my heart walk last weekend, and through various activities have personally donated around $150 through cash, t-shirts, raffle basket donations (Mary Kay products), etc, and am feeling 100% tapped out. It never seems to be enough for these sharks. I have been harassed eight ways to Sunday to give more and more. I have already donated 1/4 of my annual raise (1 whole percent! Can you hear the affection in my voice??) from last year, and I just can't keep going. We have 4 more days of this crap next week and I am just about ready to scream.

I don't like forced donations. They feel like extortion. Last year they literally baricaded the exits and would not let people go home until they donated. Then they publically humiliated those who didn't have any money, or those they felt didn't give enough. Enough already!!

Sorry, but I am just being nickeled and dimed to death, and as a mostly single-income family, I just can't afford it.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Sweet Pea... of Doom

Historically, Halloween is supposed to be about dressing up in scary costumes to ward off the evil spirits. In the past few years, we have gotten away from this and gone completely commercial in our costuming ideas. There really isn't anything scary about Sponge Bob or a Care Bear. I was talking with a friend about this topic the other day and he said, "Well, everything sounds scarier if you add 'Of Doom' to the end of it. 'Look, there's a squirrel...of doom'." So, for your Halloween pleasure, I present "Madison: The Sweet Pea... of Doom":

Admit it... you are scared. We also have "Madison: The Half-naked-bumble-bee...of doom" for your enjoyment:

And finally, "Madison: The Itsy-Bitsy-Spider...of doom":

Maddy spent her first Halloween helping Mommy and Aunt Liz pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters. She was super cute.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Blast from the Past

Someone sent me this email this morning and I about wet my pants. I had to post it. I would give props to the author, but no name was listed. Sorry Mr. Annonymous Guy. ~Liz

Last weekend I put an exhaust fan in the ceiling for my wife's grandfather. While my wife's brother and I were fitting the fan in between the joists, we found something under the insulation. What we found was this:
A JC Penney catalog from 1977. It's not often blog fodder just falls in my lap, but holy hell this was two solid inches of it, right there for the taking. I thumbed through it quickly and found my next dining room set, which is apparently made by adding upholstery to old barrels:
Also, I am totally getting this for my bathroom:
There's plenty more home furnishings where those came from, however I'm not going to bore you with that. Instead, I'm going to bore you with something else. The clothes. The clothes are fantastic . Just look at that belt. It's like a boob-job for your pants. He probably needed help just to lift it into place. The belt loops have to be three inches long. And way to pull them up to your armpits, grandpa.
This kid looks like he's pretending to be David Soul, who is pretending to be a cop who is pretending to be a pimp that everyone knows is really an undercover cop. Who is pretending to be 15.

This "all purpose jumpsuit" is, according to the description, equally appropriate for playing golf or simply relaxing around the house. Personally, I can't see wearing this unless you happen to be relaxing around your cell in D-block . Even then, the only reason you should put this thing on is because the warden made you, and as a one-piece, it's slightly more effective as a deterrent against a** -rapery.
If you look at that picture quickly, it looks like Mr. Bob "No-pants" Saget has his hand in the other guy's pocket. In this case, he doesn't, although you can tell just by looking at them that it's happened - or if it hasn't happened it will. Oh yes. It will. As soon as he puts down his matching coffee cup. (I want to know why he is wearing a dress - Liz)
He looks like he's reaching for a gun, but you know it's probably just a bottle of suntan lotion in a holster.
If you wear this suit and don't sell used cars for a living, I believe you can be fined and face serious repercussions, up to and including termination. Or imprisonment, in which case you'd be forced to wear that orange jumpsuit.
Dear god in heaven, I don't believe that color exists in nature. There is NO excuse for wearing either of these ensembles unless you're working as a body guard for the Lucky Charms leprechaun. In this next one, Your Search For VALUE Ends at Penneys.
As does your search for chest hair. And this -- Seriously. No words. Oh wait, it turns out that there are words after all. Those words are What. The. F***. I'm guessing the snap front gives you quick access to the chest hair. The little tie must be the pull tab. Also, judging by the sheer amount of matching his/hers outfits, I'm guessing that in 1977 it was considered pretty stylish for couples to dress alike. These couples look happy, don't they?
I am especially fond of this one, which I have entitled "Cowboy Chachi Loves You Best."
And nothing showcases your everlasting love more than the commitment of matching bathing suits. That, and a blonde girl with a look on her face that says "I love the way your junk fights against that fabric."

Then, after the lovin', you can relax in your one-piece matching terry cloth jumpsuits:

I could go on, but I'm tired, and my eyes hurt from this trip back in time. I think it's the colors. That said, I will leave you with these tasteful little numbers:

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pico Reporting for Guard Duty

As most of you know, Steve and I have a little bundle of joy in our lives. Our fur-baby, Picasso (aka Pico) is a "miniature" (not!) Dachshund, and pretty much rules the house. Pico is one of the most loving dogs you will ever come across. If someone broke into our house, they would probably leave out of the pure annoyance that is Pico wanting his belly scratched, or begging for treats. This is the most food obsessed animal I have ever seen in my life.

We have had Pico since he was 3 1/2 years old (he is now 8 1/2) and we noticed just how bad the food obsession was when we ordered pizza one day. Of course, he does the typical begging, whining, crying, and finally grabbing the nearest toy and throwing it up in the air to distract you from how cute he is in hopes of getting a taste (which would never be enough). Steve put the pizza box on the floor and suddenly the maddness took him. He will actually guard the pizza box! He will sit on top of it, stare at it, knock it around ~ whatever it takes. Here is photographic evidence of his obsession:

And finally... falling asleep "on duty":

How can you not love this dog??

Monday, October 22, 2007

Heart Healthy Walk

Hello friends, family, and avid readers!

I am participating in the American Heart Association's annual heart walk on November 3rd in Houston. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause (and get a tax write off in the process), please follow this link to my donation website!

I am walking in support of my Grandmother, who had a pacemaker put in ealier this year. As heart disease is the number 1 killer in the United States, I am sure we all know someone who has been touched by this awful disease.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Farewell to a friend

As many of you know, we have had the same beloved family pet, Rex (also known as Rex the Wonder Pup) since I was in Jr. High school. His exact age is among debate with the family with each person remembering "exactly" when we got Rex, but all the dates are different. Since this is my blog, we will go with my memory which brings Rex to the Blessitt clan when I was in the 7th grade (making him 19 years old in November). I got a much anticipated call from my mom on Friday last week that, like Grandpa, Rex finally made his peaceful transition home. This has been a rough year!

Let me start by saying that Rex was a cool dog. He was always a hair shy of wild, and was known to bite a person or two if they caught him off gaurd (sorry Melanie!!). He was also the sweetest dog you have ever seen. He was certainly a scrapper to say the least. I will miss him a lot. He really taught me a lot about loyalty and love. He was the first pet we ever had to last the night (note all other pets were of the swimming persuasion), and he would bark incessently if he was not close to the family. The neighbors loved him (NOT). He was always up to something.

I remember a few years ago, Dad called me at work and said, "You will never guess what your dog just did." My response was always, "Which dog?!?" as we had several with "attitude." Dad informed me that about 8:30am he opened the door in the garage and saw Rex trotting up with a fully wrapped Subway sandwich in his mouth (backstory - we lived across the street from the high school) and handed it to my dad like, "Open this please". I asked Dad what he did and he said he opened it and gave it to the dog. You had to admire the ingenuity it must have taken to convince some poor kid walking to school to part with such a coveted lunch. Funny dog.

Anyways, when we sold dad's house last year, Steve and I were unable to take him with us to the apartment, so my mom begrudgling allowed him to stay in her back yard. This turned out to be hog-heaven for Rex, as mom is easily trained to provided people-food, many treats, and a bed inside on a cold, wet, or pretty much any night with a pitiful face. In the past few years his health has really deteriated, so his passing, like Pawpaw's was a blessing. We will miss the old boy for sure.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy Birthday!

I had a great birthday this year! As I posted before, I turned 31 years old last week. I thought it would be kind of a downer, but I think I have had one of the most fun birthdays ever (although it's hard to beat last year's big 30th bash). I ended up celebrating twice with two wonderful friends.

The Melting Pot ~

I made reservations on Thursday for Steve and I to go to The Melting Pot, which is an awesome fondue restaurant. I had never been before and have heard so many wonderful things from friends. One of the downfalls of sharing my birthday with Steve is that he would must prefer NOT to celebrate his birthday, where as I love birthdays. So every year we go through the same thing where he wants to go home and I want to go out and one of us is always disappointed. This year he wasn't really excited about fondue, so I let him stay home and took my BFF Monica instead!! It was fabulous! We ended up having the four-course dinner and martinis. We talked, laughed, and enjoyed some wonderful food. We have decided that it should be a birthday tradition (as her birthday is 4 days before mine). Here are a few photos:


Not only did I have a great celebration Thursday, but I also met up on Friday with my friend, Winnie, to celebrate our joint birthdays (her's is October 2nd). We went over to the Edward's complex and had dinner at Cafe Adobe. After dinner we went over to what used to be Jillian's (but is now Dave and Busters) to play a little skeeball. We decided that we should be pro-skeeball players as we brought our game faces! After we spent all the money we could stomach on skeeball, we sat out in the courtyard area people watching. In that area you see all kinds of different people. We had a blast. We decided to finish off the night at Red Robin for some killer cocktails. Here are a few pictures:

All in all, my 31st birthday was great fun. Steve got to spend his time at home, which he finally decided wasn't so great after all. Age really is just a number. I am going to have a fabulous year!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Another Year Older

Well, today is my birthday. Yipee. I turn 31 this year which means I am now officially "in my 30s." While I was 30 last year, that is really the cap end of your 20s. It's kind of cool to be 30. But, 31, well that isn't so cool. I'm feeling pretty good so far, but we shall see as the day progresses.

One of the interesting things about my relationship with Steve is that we have the exact same birthday. He is actually 13 minutes older than I am. Weird, huh? So, we are celebrating our birthday in style by going to The Melting Pot tonight for yummy fondue. A friend mentioned it to me last weekend, and then my dear friends, Melanie and Alan, blogged about their recent date at The Melting Pot in Dallas, so I figured it was meant to be for us to try it out.

So Happy Birthday Steve! Happy Birthday me!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

3 Months Old Already!!

It's hard to believe it's been three months already since my niece, Madison, was born! I am having such a great time being an aunt to her. I took her at the beginning of the month to have her pictures made (see my blog on being molested in the process) and they are finally ready! I just had to share them. She is SO adorable!

Oh, and while I was there picking up the pictures I recounted my terrible experience for both the manager in the store and the District Manager via phone. They were both completely shocked by what I said. I was also told this was not the first complaint they had. I sure hope it is the last!! Sexual Harassment is illegal and against every company policy in America. No reason for that kind of behavior. Blah!! But, they comped me the proofs and offered me a free introductory package the next time I come in. I told them I would only come back if the manager was the one there taking her picture. She was really sweet.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Happy Birthday to my BFF Monica!!

Happy Birthday to my Best Friend, Monica!! It was actually yesterday, but I wasn't online at all this weekend. Monica and I have been friends since we were in the same 10th grade History class at Friendswood High School. It's amazing that we have been through so much together and have remained just as close as ever. It's funny how some people will come in and out of your life like the wind, but others will always be there and your world would quit spinning if they left. That is how I feel about Monica. She is my soul mate, my sister, and my best friend forever.
Love you girl!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Funniest Blog EVER!

Ok, so if you are a girl in your late 20s-early 30s you were probably a reader of the Baby Sitters Club books in the 80s & 90s. I stumbled across the best blog a few months ago and I highly suggest you check it out if you were a fan of the books. One of the gals our age loved them when she was young and has gone back to re-read them as an adult and this is her weekly book review from an adult's perspective. It is HILARIOUS.

Let me know what you think because it has become a new favorite blog for me to read!

PS~ I think there is also a blog out there about the Sweet Valley series, but I haven't let myself explore that one.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tragic Discovery for a Photo Nut & The Molestation at Walmart

We had a second loss last week. While taking pictures of pictures at my grandfather's funeral, my digital camera bit the dust. For a true photo junkie, it was a crushing blow. No new pictures of Maddy this week. No silly pictures of Pico sticking out from under a blanket. Tragic.

I am planning to buy a new camera soon, and look into getting my camera repaired so that Steve will have one for real estate. I guess something good can come from this!

Since I did not have a camera, I decided to take Madison (Maddy) to have her picture professionally taken at the photo place in Wal-Mart. She was a little fussy when we got there, so I let the people after me take our turn so I could get her calmed down. As we were finally getting her into position to take the pictures, the photographer's assistant kept "helping" me get her settled, and would ever so subtly grope me in the process. This happened 3 or 4 times before we were done. I was trying to keep my cool so I could get out of there. They showed me the pictures which were darling and I was asking about getting a disc of the pictures to show her mother and the woman told me they only had floppy discs. I told her no problem. She rang me up and sent me on my way. When I got out to the car, I noticed that there wasn't a disk in the bag. I went back inside to realize they were gone to lunch. I saw the groping assistant and told him what I was missing and he was SO rude to me like I was wasting his time. He gave me such attitude and was cursing under his breath. The nerve of this little perv! I will be calling their customer service department this afternoon and lodging a complaint against this little punk.

The Greatest Man I Ever Knew

I was asked to write the Eulogy for my grandfather after my family read my blogs and emails. Here is what I came up with, if you are interested.

The Greatest Man I Ever Knew
By Elizabeth Blessitt Cates (Granddaughter)

How do you sum up 85 years into a sound bite? The answer ~ You don’t.

Pawpaw Sam was a loving, caring man. He was larger than life, as anyone who ever met him can confirm. As a child, I remember him as HUGE! I am sure by the time my children and grandchildren hear the stories he will have reached a “Paul Bunyan” like legendary status. Pawpaw was built like a tank and worked hard every day of his life, until the stroke robbed him of the use of his legs.

It is strange the things you remember most when someone you love passes. I remember him always telling me his nickname was “Sambo Sneezer Ice Cream Freezer.” Even his nickname was amazing. I remember countless hours of hearing the same stories of monkeys on ships, family vacations that went awry, and countless other tales that I will always treasure. Pawpaw could lift a telephone pole and still have the gentleness to soothe a baby with ease and great love. He had an amazing strength that I have rarely seen in another person. One of my greatest memories is getting Pawpaw to do “The Bear,” which consisted of him slipping his glasses down to the end of his nose, popping out his false teeth so you could really see them and growling. We all thought this was hysterical, but it must have been too much for my cousin Doug, probably age 3 at the time, who took off screaming. Poor kid.

Pawpaw also had a real talent for making Grandma mad. I asked him one time why he did it, and he told me that he thought she was cute when she was mad. He had such a twinkle in his eye when he said it that I knew it was true.

In nearly 31 years, I never heard him utter a harsh word, curse, or do anything but be a good person. I don’t know another person in my life like that.

Pawpaw had a love for technology beyond his generation. There was never a shortage of computer parts, pieces, or manuals when he was trying to learn the new fangled machine. I think he even emailed me once. He would call me often with computer-related questions. I remember clearly trying to explain what a “blog” is after he read about it in the paper.

Pawpaw had a great affinity for animals and they LOVED him. When I was young, they had two large German Sheppards, Lady and Storm and I remember him laughing as I would ride on their back (I was probably 2 or 3 at the time) or stick things up their noses. Most recently, Pawpaw had a little Shitzu he named Little Pal who turned out to be his greatest furry companion. It was a truly sad day for him when he lost his little friend.

Pawpaw and Grandma were married for nearly 62 years. They had six children, countless grandchildren, and the newest generation of great-grandchildren. I think that relationship sets the “gold standard” which we should all try to achieve. There was always a lot of love in my grandparent’s home, and I spent countless hours there taking it all in.

I will miss my Pawpaw in a way that no one will ever know. He was a wonderful, amazing man and will always be my hero. I feel like the luckiest little girl in the world to have him as my grandfather for nearly 31 years. I know that I am a better person because of him and the example he set.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Yesterday, my grandfather made his peaceful transition home to his parents. I know that at almost 31 years old, I have been very fortunate to have one complete set of grandparents remaining. Now, that number has been reduced to one grandmother.

My pawpaw Sam was a loving, caring man. He was larger than life, as anyone who knew him can confirm. He was HUGE when I was a child (6'3, 350 lbs, built like a tank!) and I am sure will reach a Paul Bunyon standard by the time my children are old enough to hear the stories. I never heard him utter a harsh word, curse, or be anything but a good person. He worked hard every day of his life until a stroke 6 years ago robbed him of the use of his legs. I remember clearly seeing the 78 year old man rolling around on top of his roof fixing shingles because he was worried if he stood up he would fall through or off the roof. Yeah, because at 78 you are not supposed to be on the roof at all. He was amazing.

I will miss him terribly, but the loss comes at a great relief, as he has suffered unnecessarily over the past few months. When my time comes, set me on fire and throw me out of an airplane so I can go down in a literal blaze of glory. I don't want to go out like that.

I have also been given the distinct honor of eulogizing the man I have probably admired most in my entire life. It is a great honor, and I hope I can do him justice. How do you capture 85 years of greatness in a sound bite? I will try to post whatever I come up with. It's funny the things that stand out the most when someone you love dearly passes. I remember the stories, the countless hours spent listening to them over and over.

Yesterday when I got the news, I was numb. I have been waiting for a week to hear the words, "He is gone." When I finally heard them, I went into thought mode. I didn't cry. I didn't feel sad at all. The emotion hit me this morning as I was sending out the funeral information to my friends and family. I know I have a floodgate waiting to open inside my heart once I finally accept that I will never see him again. I am still mourning the loss of my Uncle Curt, who died of cancer back in 2003. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. I am sure the effect of losing my grandpa will be as profound.

Please say a prayer or send a happy thought if you don't pray for my grandfather. I know that he will be able to watch over me now from a place of peace and love.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthdays!

I wanted to wish Happy Birthday to my brother Chris who turned 28 years old today! We miss you since you are up in New York. Sarah and I finished an awesome package to send your way, so hopefully you will get it soon!

I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to a special friend ~ Miss Eleanor Hebert! Eleanor is turning 4 years old and is the most precious daughter of my dear friends Melanie and Alan. I hope your Paris themed birthday party goes off without a hitch! I have a special gift for both you and Thomas that will hopefully be coming soon! Things have been a little hectic lately!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Follow up to my Lake Trip

I know my posts seem a little out of order, but I was trying to cover everything that has been going on in such a short period of time!! Two weeks ago, Monica and I took a 3 day weekend up to the lake house (Lake Toledo Bend in East Texas). It was WONDERFUL!! We spent the time talking, playing games, floating in the lake, and basically just connecting. I hope we will be able to do it more often because it was just what I needed. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Almost time to say goodbye

As most people know, at 30 years old I am still very fortunate to have one complete remaining set of grandparents. My mother's parents are 86 (Grandma Mary) and 85 (Grandpa Sam) years old. However, for the past few years, Grandpa's health hasn't been that great. It started about 6 years ago with a series of strokes which put him in a wheelchair. Anyone who has ever met my Pawpaw knows that he is a larger-than-life, Paul Bunyon kind of character with the most amazing stories and work ethic. My father can tell some stories of him not knowing his own strength and dropping things on my dad. But, in all, Grandpa is just an amazing man with a capacity to love like no other.

I got a call Saturday from my mother telling me that it was time to go say my goodbyes, if I wanted to. So, wiping the tears away from what I knew would be a blessing, I went to the nursing home to see what had become of my grandpa. He actually looks amazingly good. He was alert and lit up when I came into the room. He was trying intently to talk to me, but I wasn't able to understand much of what he said. I told him that I loved him very much and that it was ok for him to let go if he was ready. People have been begging him to get well, but I don't think that is the best think for him. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand and puckered up for a kiss.
He has not passed yet, but I feel the time drawing near. I will miss my pawpaw in a way that no one will ever know. He is a truly wonderful man, and I feel like the luckiest little girl in the world to have been his granddaughter. Here is one last picture to remember him by. I love you, Grandpa.

Maddy Cakes

Poor Sarah had to go back to work and school starting this weekend. This is the first time that she has been apart from my beautiful niece, Madison, since she was born just over two months ago. But, her suffering is my gain! Hehe. I get the pleasure of taking care of Maddy on the weekends (splitting time with my mom) while Sarah is at work. Here are some pictures from our adventures. She is so adorable and has already developed the coolest personality. The world had better watchout for those dimples!

Maddy after her bath

Maddy with her Pawpaw

Maddy intently watching the Science Channel (she also loves Shark Week just like her Aunt Liz!)