Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Liz Takes Manhattan

(Actually, West New York, New Jersey, but I digress!) I will be taking a long weekend this week and flying off to visit my brother, Chris, in New York!! Dad gave me a free airline ticket that will expire by the end of the month, so I decided to go for it! I visited Chris last year for the first time since he moved up there, and I had a blast. Here are a few pictures from that adventure:

I had such a great time and am looking forward to seeing even more things this trip! Unfortunately, the karaoke rematch will not happen, as Chris' bar (he is a karaoke DJ) will be closed for 2 weeks. We will be able to take advantage of Restaurant Week, where the ritzy restaurants have a week of prefixe menus where the average person can partake.
I will also get to spend a little time with my friend, Beth, from New Jersey. Somehow, I managed to spend almost 24 hours with her and didn't take a single picture!! I will not let that happen this time around!!
Wish me luck, as I am flying stand-by for the first time. I fly out Saturday morning, and should return Tuesday night.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Sounds like fun! Can't wait to see pictures!