Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Popcorn and Why it is NOT for work

Ok people. The popcorn button on the microwave is there for a reason. At least once a week someone in my office "cooks" popcorn around 3:00 pm. And when I say "cooks", I mean burns. And not just slightly burns. The wonderful thing about working in a cubicle environment is that everyone is so willing to share. Share their innapropriate conversations, funky food smells, cackling laughter, and, of course, the rank odor of singed popcorn. I am about to vomit.

So, please... leave your popcorn at home. Or learn how to work a microwave.

PS - Before you call the popcorn-haters police on me, I am truly a fan of popcorn. Just not of the supernova variety.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Agreed! Certain foods are just not for the office. Namely those with strong odors of any sort, whether pleasant or foul. I like popcorn, too, but if you don't have enough for everyone, don't make us smell it all afternoon. Especially if you're a moron and can't microwave properly.