Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sick and Stupid

I have spent the last few weeks worrying and taking care of other people. I love being able to help people and give them the time they need and deserve. Unfortunately, in the process, I have run myself down pretty low, emotionally and physically. Yesterday my throat started hurting and today I can feel that everything has moved down into my chest. I can barely talk.

I need to find a way where I can help like I want to without letting my batteries get so low.

I have also been avoiding time at home, which doesn't help matters. I have a few people in my life who are amazing at listening to my issues and allowing me to talk through them without judging. Thank you, and you know who you are.

Hopefully, things will get better soon. Right now, I just need rest and relaxation. And maybe a hug :-)


Melanie said...

Wish I could be there to give you that hug you need!

Here's a big virtual one with lots of happy thoughts, too!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks, Mel! I wish you were around too, although I appreciate the virtual hug just as much as the real thing.