Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Pico!!

It's time to wish a very happy 9th birthday to our beloved pup, Picasso (aka Pico). We have had Pico in our lives for nearly 6 years now, and he has been a joy.

Steve called one day to let me know that a lady on his mail route had passed away from cancer and her elderly father would not be able to care for her dog, as he was going to live with another family member. Since we already had one dachshund, Major, he thought it might be a good idea to volunteer our home to this poor dog. I was initially against it, since anyone who knew Major knew that he was a royal pain in the butt (but awesome just the same). But my heart broke for this poor dog losing his owner so I consented.

Pico had personality pouring out his ears. He arrived with a large garbage sack of toys, which Major promptly destroyed. Pico would love on his babies every chance he got. He was also seriously grieving for his previous owner. I had never seen a dog cry before and it broke my heart. Shortly after getting him, we accidentally left the back door open and realized a while later that he was missing. We had this horrible mental picture of him running, tears streaming down his face, back toward Alvin to find an owner that no longer existed. The truth of the matter was he never made it across the street before someone stopped and picked him up. We saw the posters the next day for the found dog and called. The man asked me what he looked like (since we hadn't had him long enough to even get him a name tag made) and I promptly replied, "A barrel with short legs and a red collar." The guy was so dissapointed because they had fallen in love with him already.

Six years later he is the love of our lives and a pain in our butt all wrapped into one package. Pico has an amazing way of giving you the love you need when you need it. He is fantastic with Madison and she absolutely adores him. When she comes to Aunt Liz's house the first thing she does is look for Pico (usually to poke him in the eye or pull his tail). He is so patient and loving with her. He has never snapped at her. Hell, he won't even get off the bed, even if she is torturing him.

So, Happy Birthday, Pico! Here's to hoping you are with us for many years to come!!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

What a lovely story! Happy birthday to your baby. He is a cutie!