Friday, July 20, 2007

Working for the Weekends

I feel like I am running from one weekend to the next with a really stressful week in between. Things have been really crazy at work for the past month or so. I have been working my ass off, and am tired. My contractor is leaving at the end of July (next week - ack!), and I am really worried. I am currently responsible for the design, updates, and delivery of our organizational training program for the local transit authority, which is a pretty big job! Especially when I am the only full time person in the department. Sheesh!

Last year I got completely screwed on my raise. Got an excellent review, but shafted when it came to the actual raise. If that happens this year, I will totally be ready to walk. Hopefully they will see me for the genius that I am (HA!) and promote me. We will see what the future holds.

Right now my weekends are pretty full spending time with Sarah and Madison, which I love. We went to a divorce party last week that was SO much fun. It seems weird to celebrate something like a divorce, but this marriage needed to end! It's been a long time since we have really done anything fun with adults. Good times.

On another completely dorky note - The new Harry Potter book should be delivered on Saturday! I can't wait to read it, although it is bitter sweet, being the last book. Funny how something so simple can cause so much happiness. Hopefully it will live up to the hype.

I guess that is all. I am hosting an education fair at work tomorrow, in addition to a training class, so I guess I should hit the sack. Good Night, Thursday. See you next week!

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