Today has been utterly ridiculous. Yesterday the battery light was coming on in my Lincoln sporadically, so I made it a point to go to the local auto parts store right after work today to get the battery tested. The guy said the battery was still good, but the alternater needed to be replaced. He said that I could make it to the mechanic tomorrow. Instead of the normal routine of trying desperately to get hold of the guy who never calls me back, I decided that I would ask Javier (my sister's fiance) if he could install a new one for me. He said sure, but could I go ahead and get the part tonight so he could install it after work tomorrow.
So, I have to drive to a different auto parts store to get it, but on the way I notice that my hood is rattling and threatening to fly open. The guy warned me about idling with the bad alternater, so I pulled into a gas station to close the hood, shut off my car, and the stupid thing was dead as a doornail. Ugh. Called Steve, and he didn't know where his jumper cables were. Called mom. She was on her way to jump me. Steve went on ahead and bought the part before the store closed. Mom got there and jumped my car, so we let it charge for a few minutes until Steve got back. Then he went home and mom followed me to Javier's. Or, at least she followed me 4 miles down the road where my electrical system completely shut down and I was coasting through a busy intersection and about 1/2 mile down the road before pulling to a dead stop on the side of the road. Now, you would think that people on a 4 lane highway (2 on each side with a turn lane in the middle) would have plenty of time to see two cars in the pitch black night with the hazard lights on. Apparently not, as we were front row viewers to the parade of imbeciles flying by at warp speed within inches of my disabled vehicle. Steve joined us on the side of the road so we wouldn't have to be there alone waiting for the tow truck. (We actually called two trucks just to see who would get there first... my guy won by at least 45 minutes)
We sat there for about an hour before the tow truck driver pulled up. You would have to see it to believe it, but even with the tow truck blocking half the lane, people were still wizzing by at the speed of light within inches. How can people that stupid function in life?? I really don't get it.
Anyway, thankfully, Javier was able to replace my alternater and lend me his spare battery until mine can be recharged or replaced. Betty Lou lives to drive another day.
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