Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Beautiful Day for the Park

On Saturday, Sarah and I decided to take Madison to the park. She is 14 months old now and very active! Maddy and I went to pick Sarah up at work during her lunch hour and we went over to Hermann Park. It was a gorgeous day. It wasn't hot, for once, and there was very little humidity! It really was a perfect day!! Here are a few pictures, but you can see them all on my SmugMug site under Children>Madison 1 year old.

A good time was had by all! I am looking forward to our next outting - Maddie Brown's Cowgirl Birthday Party!!


Anonymous said...

Adorable!! I LOVE these pictures!! That first one of her sleeping in the carseat is the BEST!

And she looks too little to be walking...she is so precious!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even see the part where you said you were looking forward to your next outing! Aww!

I can't wait until we can reschedule and have it for real!!